Welcome to The Elliot and Medical Staff Services
As a new provider, you must complete required orientation to practice at our hospital. Please review resources and associated policies, which include key information for you to become familiar with Elliot Health System. As part of your application for clinical privileges and medical staff appointment, you have agreed to abide by the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules & Regulations and the applicable Hospital and Medical Staff Policies and Procedures.
- Elliot Health System Medical Staff Bylaws and related Policies (please note you will need to use your system user name and password to enter the site.)
- Elliot Health System Intranet (IKE)
- Feel free to reach out to the Medical Staff Services Department at Credentialing@Elliot-HS.org. Our primary source of communication to practitioners is via email. Please remember to notify the Medical Staff Services Department at Credentialing@Elliot-HS.org should you have any changes to your email address, any other information submitted on your application, or new information since submission.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Medical Staff Services Department at Credentialing@Elliot-HS.org or 603-663-2313.