See How We Helped Bill

Skydiving was how Bill honored his late wife’s memory. But his years as an iron worker had taken their toll on his body. Our team gave him the care he needed to get back up in the air.

See How We Helped Sydney

Sydney loved competing on her lacrosse team. But after injuring her shoulder, she was forced to the sidelines. Our team gave her the treatment she needed to get back in the game.

Elliot Hospital Orthopaedics

Whether you’re driven by a competitive spirit, thirst for adventure, passion for an activity, or the desire to play and connect with the people you care about, our expert team will help you get back to doing the things you love.

Certification of Excellence

DNV Healthcare USA Inc. Orthopaedic Center of Excellence Designation

Orthopaedic Center of Excellence designation affirms an organization’s excellence in the provision of diagnostic services, surgical services, and therapies related to orthopedic care. The DNV Orthopaedic Center of Excellence designation is obtained by achieving certification in at least three (3) orthopedic service line programs based on requirements set forth by DNV and informed by the guidelines of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Our DNV Healthcare Center of Excellence designation affirms our excellence in the provision of diagnostic services, surgical services, and therapies in orthopaedics. Our goal is to provide comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of your orthopaedic health, helps you regain your mobility, and empowers you to live life to the fullest.

Our Orthopaedic Services

We're here to get you moving again

At The Elliot, we offer a wide range of services and support, designed with your bone, joint and muscle health in mind. Our dedicated team of specialists is committed to providing you with the highest quality care and personalized treatment plans. Here are some of the services we provide.

Learn about these services Call to Make an Appointment (603) 625-1655


As an Orthopaedic Center of Excellence, our integrated team uses the most up-to-date and comprehensive surgical and nonsurgical treatments for sports injuries, trauma care, joint replacement, and most musculoskeletal conditions. Together we treat your ailments, alleviate your pain, and improve your mobility — so you can live life to the fullest.


Orthopaedic Consultations

Our experienced orthopaedic specialists will assess your condition, discuss your symptoms and medical history, and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Diagnostic Imaging

We utilize state-of-the-art imaging technologies, including X-rays, MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound, to accurately diagnose orthopaedic conditions and injuries.

Non-Surgical Interventions

Our orthopaedic experts employ a wide range of non-surgical interventions, such as physical therapy, medication management, bracing, and joint injections, to relieve pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall function.

Sports Medicine

We provide comprehensive sports medicine services, including the diagnosis and treatment of sports-related injuries, rehabilitation, performance enhancement, and injury prevention strategies.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

When surgery is necessary, we specialize in advanced minimally invasive techniques that offer smaller incisions, reduced scarring, quicker recovery times, and improved outcomes. Our team of experienced surgeons work closely with the surgical team at Elliot Hospital and Elliot 1-day Surgery Center to provide expert care. Our surgical services include arthroscopy, joint preservation procedures and minimally invasive joint replacement.

Joint Replacement Surgery

Our skilled surgeons perform various joint replacement procedures, including hip, knee and shoulder replacement. We utilize the latest technologies, including robotic-arm assisted techniques and implant options to optimize outcomes and improve your quality of life.

Fracture Care

Our orthopaedic team is experienced in treating fractures of all types, from simple breaks to complex injuries. We offer timely and effective fracture management, including casting, splinting, and surgical fixation when necessary.

Comprehensive Physical & Occupational Therapy

Our dedicated physical therapists and rehabilitation specialists work closely with you to develop personalized rehabilitation programs aimed at restoring strength, range of motion, and function after injury or surgery.

Education and Support

We are dedicated to empowering our patients with knowledge and support. We provide educational resources, pre-operative and post-operative instructions, and ongoing guidance to ensure you are well-informed and confident throughout your orthopaedic journey.


Where to find us in Manchester

The Elliot at River’s Edge, Specialist Office
185 Queens City Ave. Manchester, NH 03101

Get Directions    Call Us (603) 625-1655